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Free Event On Developing Innovation Culture In Your Business


Free Event On Developing Innovation Culture In Your Business

The key to unlocking innovation in your business will be the focus of a free event for East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire businesses this month.

Organised by Emmerson Kitney in partnership with Edenic Group and the Aura Innovation Centre, it will be held on Friday January 31 at the Aura Innovation Centre in the Bridgehead Business Park in Hessle.

Following on from our hugely successful mental health in the workplace event in November, the full allocation of tickets is expected to be snapped up quickly once again.

As well as introducing the newly opened Aura Innovation Centre, it will be an opportunity to learn from Edenic Group about tailoring recruitment to attract and identify the most innovative talent, as well as harnessing their natural creativity in the first days and weeks after their appointment.

Edenic will give an insight into innovative and creative behaviours, and delegates will have the opportunity to take part in innovation “sprints” to help them begin to develop their own skills and behaviours which they can take back to their workplace.

Joe Makin, Principal Consultant at Emmerson Kitney, said: “There is a lot of talk about being innovative and disruptive in industry at the moment but understanding of what this actually means is actually quite limited, especially among SMEs.

“This event will introduce delegates to the mindset and behaviours which bring about true innovation and offers real value for those attending.
“It will also provide people – particularly business owners, Directors, Marketers, Research and Development personnel, and anyone else involved in innovation – with some excellent learning which will be of genuine benefit to their business.”

The University of Hull’s new Aura Innovation Centre connects businesses with university research power, public sector and local communities in one convenient place, bringing the region together to shape the way in low carbon innovation. Part funded by the ERDF and the University of Hull, the centre supports businesses of all sizes, helping them to accelerate low-carbon projects, drive green innovation and deliver clean business growth. Delegates will have the opportunity to take an exclusive tour of the centre after the event.

Edenic Group is a team of innovation consultants and behavioural change experts with many years’ experience developing disruptive thinking and innovation concepts for globally recognised brands.

They are working with major companies including GSK and Nestlé in support of their research and development teams, and are looking to expand their reach to work with SMEs.

Only 50 tickets are initially being made available for the event, and these are available on the Eventbrite page.

For more information, call Joe at Emmerson Kitney on 01482 628808 or email

29 November 2023 Written By adminek