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Webinar sessions to help you ‘be prepared and stand out’ in competitive jobs market


Webinar sessions to help you ‘be prepared and stand out’ in competitive jobs market

Emmerson Kitney are to host a series of webinars this month to help those who lose their jobs due to the impact of Covid-19 have the best possible chance of finding a new role.

It comes as the UK unemployment rate has risen to its highest level for two years, with the economic impact felt across all sectors.

Our team at Emmerson Kitney have already received an increasing number of calls from people who have recently found themselves out of work, and some who are in fear their jobs are at risk in the near future.

But we are also aware of many businesses which are recruiting and looking for the right people who become available at the right time.

It is why we have devised a series of free webinars, based around the skills of producing a great CV and applying and interviewing for jobs, in a bid to help people give themselves the best chance of securing employment.

The webinars feature several leading local employers, including Ideal Heating, KCOM and ‘Yorkshire’s fastest growing business’ Giacom, who will inform those taking part exactly what they look for in candidates.

“The forecasts are that, unfortunately, unemployment rates are going to rocket in the coming six months and both businesses and individuals are going to face yet more challenging times,” said David Kitney, managing director of Emmerson Kitney

“It is widely anticipated that the new support measures which will come into place beyond the end of the furlough scheme will not be enough for many businesses to maintain the levels of employment they did pre-Covid-19, so towards the end of the year, and early next year, we could see significant more job losses.

“Having said that, we are also seeing a good number of businesses which are currently recruiting, and for some companies this is a great time to pick up good candidates who are in the job-seeking market again.

“That makes it vital for people to know how best to sell themselves, from writing a CV to impressing in interview, as it will be a very competitive market.

“We are likely to find is a situation where many people are out of work for the first time in many years, people who are not likely to have been through the process of applying for a new job and perhaps are not comfortable with selling themselves on paper through their CVs, or in person at an interview.

“It is important to help people to know how to stand out and give themselves the best chance. We want to help people back into work.”

Seminars will set out the ‘dos and don’ts’ of job searching

For the 45-minute webinar sessions, each participant will be completely anonymous, making it open not only for people who are out of work, but also people who are currently employed but feeling unsecure in their current role, or looking to move on.

The webinars will explain how people can best prepare and make sure they stand out ahead of other candidates when applying for positions.

They will focus on how to ‘Prepare’ best the job application process, covering the following areas;

Preparing a great CV
Researching opportunities
Exploiting your network and contacts
Preparing for interview
Attention to detail
References and testimonials
Essential must do tips and things to avoid

“Understanding the true skills a candidate can offer, helping them ensure that comes across when applying for jobs, and excelling in interviews is a big big part of the service we provide, and that is expertise we now want to offer to people across our region at a time they need it the most,” Mr Kitney added.

“We will go over the dos and don’ts, the mistakes we see time and again, and the snippets which can make a CV and candidate stand out. We’ve found that many people fail in the very basics when applying for a new job.

“Many have great career achievements which are tucked away at the bottom when they should be right at the top, and some people have much sought after skills which they don’t even add to their CVs because they simply see it as part of what they do.

“People find that hard at times to sell themselves, but we can help identify those areas which will make employers take notice.”

When are the webinars being held?

The dates and times are;

Tuesday 20th October – 9.30am
Wednesday 21st October – 12.00pm
Tuesday, 27st October – 9.30am
Wednesday, 28th October, 12.00pm
How do I register?
Just go to the Eventbrite page, choose one of the time slots available and register to attend. You will then receive an email with details how to attend.

What will the session cover?

Practical advice and tips to help with creating a great impactful CV and how to prepare for an interview.

How long will the session last?

45 minutes with a Q&A session, this will again be confidential so participants won’t know who’s asked a question

How will the webinar take place?

Using Zoom so you can log on from anywhere even from your smartphone.

How many spaces are available?

100 per session

Will other attendees be able to see my details?

No its set up so it’s totally confidential you will only see the presenter and your details will not be visible

29 November 2023 Written By adminek